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Chip In Volunteer Challenge

Each year 1,500+ volunteers log around 6,000 hours with us at United Way of Douglas & Pope Counties! Their support helps us to carry out our work, programs and fundraising events. We know that we can do big things for our community because of our volunteers help.

Here are some of the ways volunteers have supported us this year: stuffing mailers, prepping materials, planning and carrying out fundraisers, packing food bags, providing guidance to our organization on the Board of Directors or special committee, “fluffing” plastic bags, fundraising, delivering food, shopping for holiday gifts, handing out backpacks, collecting school supplies, organizing the coat room, selling tickets, organizing workplace campaigns, unpacking food pallets, reviewing grant applications, making Stuff the Bus boxes, helping during distribution events and so much more!

This year, as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, we are full of gratitude for our volunteers. In an attempt to appreciate every person who volunteers we’ve created the “Chip In” Challenge. When you arrive to volunteer you’re invited to participate. The process is simple; write your name and phone number on a provided plastic chip and toss it into our jar. Our “Chip In” jar will be available at our office and volunteer events throughout the year. In April, for Volunteer Appreciation Week, we look forward to holding prize drawings for those who have supported us throughout the year.

Watch our social media pages this year as familiar faces “Chip In” to support our community through United Way!

  • Blue Ox
  • Calvary
  • Livewire
  • Massman