United Way Food Drop
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: To better serve those who attend the United Way food drop, we are capping registration at 240 (in Douglas County) and 120 (in Pope County) households per month. This is more than the average number of households we serve each month.
United Way’s Food Drop will now be rotating counties by month. Each month there will be one Food Drop that you are welcome to attend either in Douglas or Pope County.
Douglas Food Drops will continue to take place at New Life Christian Church (1910 County Road 82 SE, Alexandria)
Pope Food Drops will continue to take place at Glenwood United Parish (10 17th Ave NW, Glenwood)
Attendees will still register in advance and receive a time slot to pick up food on distribution day. At arrival you continue to drive through a line and receive an assortment of food, free of charge.
The next food drop is:
Thursday, March 27th
New Life Christian Church, Alexandria
Registration will take place online. Phone in registrations are limited to those that do not have access to the internet. Registration will be a two step process. Both steps must be complete to be registered to receive food. Timeslots for pick-up will be given out in the order that registrations are received. Food selection and quantities will be the same across all timeslots.
Step 1. Register
- Form will be available on this page on Tuesday, March 25th from 10am - 4pm or until slots are full.
- If you do not have access to the internet you can call our office at 320-834-7800 on Tuesday, March 25th from 10am - 4pm or until slots are full.
Step 2. We will call or email you with a food pick-up time within 24 hours of your registration. You can only pick-up food during the pick-up timeslot you receive. Please be sure to indicate if you authorize someone else to pick up for you.
All information is kept confidential between United Way staff and Food Drop volunteers. Pick-up times will start in the afternoon and continue until the last registrant has received food.
Find upcoming Food Drop date on our Calendar.