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Small Business, Big Impact!

Business Leaders, we invite you and your business to be part of promoting positive change for our community by joining Small Business 365! 

You choose the dollar amount for 365 days and your business can make an impact in people’s lives by supporting Health, Education and Financial Stability. Through your donation you’re supporting United Way programs (like the Traveling Tree House and Backpack Attack!) and numerous local nonprofits who receive United Way grants.

Small Business 365 also starts the conversation of getting your business more involved with our community! Find volunteer opportunities for your team and meaningful ways for employees to engage at work. Learn about engaging customers through in-store fundraising or hear about community needs and how your business may be a unique fit to fill them! 

Benefits for gifts of $365 or more include:
    • Door sticker showing your commitment to community through United Way
    • Recognition on our website 
    • Welcome in our bi-monthly e-newsletter (2,740 email contacts)
    • Listing as a donor in our Annual Report
    • Welcome on Social Media

Pledge Small Business 365:
Help us to welcome the businesses who have already pledged for 2024.  

  • Studio E Architects  September, 2024
  • The Edge Co.  September, 2024  
  • Meco 7  September, 2024

Learn more or make your pledge with Small Business 365 

  • Blue Ox
  • Calvary
  • Livewire
  • Massman